Mara Page documentation

Welcome to Mara Page’s documentation. This is one of the core modules of the Mara Framework offering a minimal API for defining pages of Flask-based backends independently from the actual backend infrastructure.

When a web app is spread across many independent Flask blueprints, then this library can be used to add

  • navigation entries

  • page titles

  • resource-based ACL protection

  • page-specific CSS and JS files

  • without having access to a global layout or the Flask app.

The library provides a drop-in werkzeug Response class that is enriched with additional information that a backend can use to render the final html page.

User’s Guide

This part of the documentation focuses on step-by-step instructions how to use this extension.

API Reference

If you are looking for information on a specific function, class or method, this part of the documentation is for you.

Additional Notes

Legal information and changelog are here for the interested.